Open-Source Microfarms

Knowledge and tools to grow fresh food should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we have developed an open-source vertical farming system. All blueprints are available online for free, for anyone to download, build and grow.


Kale, Rocket, Spinach, Beans.

and there is so much more you can grow in a HECTAR Microfarm. Join us and find out what you can grow with your hectar system. So far we have grown Kale, Rocket, Spinach, Lettuce, Basil, Coriander, Parsley, Pak Choi, Beans and more. Who will be first to grow a watermelon? If you grow something else with hectar, share your knowledge in the forum.

All Resources Here!

3D CAD File

Solidworks and .step files for anyone who wants to modify the basic blueprint with computer-aided design software.

Assembly manual

A step-by-step manual covering how to produce HECTAR microfarms.

Discord Community

Ask a question, have chat or show off your tomatoes!


Meet the five student startups that could change the world

Long supply chains in the food industry lead to the nutritional benefits of produce being diminished and unnecessary plastic packaging. Hectar want the knowledge and tools to grow fresh food to be accessible to everyone, so food can be grown locally. To do this, they have designed a modular hydroponic system, where plants are grown without soil, in a nutrient-rich solution. They will provide kits to community gardens, cafes and schools, and will also make the system plans available open source online.

HECTAR offers free design plans for open source hydroponics unit

It looks like a simple shelf, but the innovative hydroponics unit can grow a whopping 120 plants confined to a space the size of a cupboard. Even better, the design is fully modular and can be built using standard parts found in almost any hardware store. Wieberneit hopes the free plans will educate and empower regular people to grow their own food at home, without relying on pricey smart growing systems or seed subscription services. In theory, the unit can save users money in the long run as they cultivate their own edible plants like arugula, lettuce or herbs.

The top five food innovations of 2021

You can’t get more locavore than growing your own food. But if you live in a city, you will probably need to invest in a hydroponics system to do so. These systems can be expensive, and often require commitment to a costly seed subscription. To help potential urban farmers avoid these costs, Felix Wieberneit, of the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London started the HECTAR Hydroponics project...